Friday, March 20, 2009

I Now Pronounce You...

Setting: Wyatt's big thing right now is Tom and Jerry.

Wyatt: Mom do cats and dogs sometimes get married.
Me: Um no.
Wyatt: Why not?
Me: (going for a temple plug) Because we get married in the temple and cats and dogs aren't allowed in the temple.
Wyatt: So cats can't get married?
Me: Yup.
Wyatt: (truly heartbroken) But what about Tom?


whitney allison said...

Poor Tom indeed. He's destined to die alone.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! cats and dogs aren't allowed in the temple!!! that's hilarious. I was always told that no matter what...all my cats that I've ever had, will join me in the next life....all 20 of them.

Ashley said...

Very funny. The boy makes me laugh!