Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Who Wore It Best?

I'm like a Tetris queen, more real life stuff than the actual game.  So a shopping trip at Costco, I took a picture of my cart before heading to their check out 
and then the picture of them after scanning it all.  
You tell me, who did it best?

Sunday, January 19, 2020

43 and Counting

This sexy beast,
Travis, had his birthday. It fell on a Thursday this year which was the night of Scouts and he don't want to miss Scouts so we celebrated it Friday. We sort of celebrated it Thursday as well. Nothing was extra special or over-the-top but just two days recognizing him. He wanted to go to Denny's for dinner for the "best" chicken fried steak. I made the chocolate pudding cake his mom used to make him,
and we spoiled him with gifts that I think he is mostly excited about.
Birthday=success. ✔

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

This and That

 This "rocket man" got a 1900+ lego piece 3.5 feet tall apollo rocket.  He loved every minute putting it together.
Stake dances are so fun.  I love the friends my kids choose.
Dont drive too fast.  This is what happens.  It's sad and it sucks and it's a good reminder.
Cypress Grill in Boerne.  Super delicious.  Maybe my favorite place.  Got a huge gift card from a friend.  Turns out the first meal they sisnt charge the gift card.  When I brought it to their attention they still gave us the comped meal.  Yay the gift that keeps giving. 
I think we are getting takeout to frequently.  I stocked each car we 3 sets of silverware for those times far food forgets or is short but I still have tons leftover.
Wyatt's birthday present, father/son bonding project, and hopefully someday cherries out car.

Thursday, January 9, 2020


Wanna know what drives me absolutely batty? This...
Yes what you are viewing is 2 ply toilet paper where not a single seam lines up.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

New Year, New Day, Same Old Stuff

First day back at school after a three week vacation for the holidays.  And I was ready to work. The morning started with stripping beds and doing laundry. And as I'm cycling through the laundry I realized hunting season really has just finished when I find an empty shell casing in my washing machine.  Luckily for me it was a spent casing, unluckily for me this is not the first nor I suspect the last time this will happen. I feel like I've educated the masses on checking their pockets before they throw things in the wash and I think extra emphasis has been put on ammunition, but sometimes the things you don't think you should need to say you end up saying the most.  Or maybe it's just at my house?
Then with all my energetic exuberance I decided to flip my king size mattress all by myself in the tight fit of the bedroom. Needless to say I'm not as strong as I thought, and the ability to flip mattresses in confined spaces is not as easy as I thought, and a long story short I sweat so much I needed to change my clothes.  I tried to call in reinforcements unsuccessfully and I looked like this man, but eventually I got it done. Check another thing off The To Do List!
Last, Tuesday is my volunteer days at the kids' Middle School library.  It was fairly busy being back from the break and all the kids needing books. But the best is when the orchestra teacher stopped to tell me she saw Kody today and she appreciated his outfit as did the "orchestra harem". She then proceeded to tell me how he's quite the Ladies Man and she calls the group of girls who follows him around her Orchestra Harem. Oh the joys of middle school.  I'm pretty sure it was worse being in middle school than parenting middle schoolers but not by quite the margin I had hoped.
Onward and upward to more crazy happenings.  Happy 2020!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!!!

It's been a while I know.  Despite the weekly alarm that goes off in my phone alerting me to post on my blog, it hasn't happened for some time and only 3 times this year.  It's not that I don't think about it and practically write word for word the posts in my head, editing them as I think them out, but that I never seem to have the time to actually write them down.  It feels far too indulgent, but I write them in my head nonetheless hoping that the time I am actively thinking of them will solidify the memories, the feelings, the thoughts that I am having.  So that one day as I look at a picture or someone brings up a story, I am flooded with it all again.

Realistically I know that reality is a bit far fetched for an aging mind, let's be honest it's a bit far fetched for my current somewhat aging mind.  If I can barely remember a load of laundry I put in the wash only to find it two days later smelling of mold and funk, I can't expect much.  So that brings me to one of my goals for this year.  But I am rushing ahead of myself, like always, my energy and enthusiasm is always just a bit ahead of all the other.

So let's start with a Happy New Year everyone reading!  Hopefully you had a great Christmas and you are excited about what the future holds.  I know I am, but I always love a good start, it holds all the promise and passion for the future.  This past week or two I have contemplated on so much.  Trying to prepare some resolutions for the New Year makes me both reflective and introspective  as well as visionary and ambitious.

As I have pondered the past year, I have felt overwhelmingly grateful.  We have been blessed in a million ways, but the most important one is my ability to know why we are here in Texas; it may have taken almost three years after my first impressions came and two years and change after making the move, but it has come.  I'm sure everyone would love to hear some miraculous story, wrapped in a neat package with clear beginnings and ends, but my story is far less neat in the packaging, but still just as miraculous, though much harder to explain.  Suffice it to say, a bunch of experiences have shown me that this move, these changes, have forced myself and our family to grow in ways that would have never been possible had we remained in the status quo of our old life.  Seeing that growth in yourself and kids is the miracle, but I admit that unless you are privy to the nitty gritty details of daily living, it may be largely impossible for outsiders to see.  In addition to that, I have been blessed with a handful of friends here that have helped shape me and a lot of those changes, and it only stands to reason that those changes in me have led to some changes on the rest of our family.  Those handful of friends have changed my trajectory the way that the introduction of Travis into my life did.  It's really in the lapsing of time, that we'll all grasp how much it really affected the course of my life.

So how do you top a transformational year.  I don't know that you top it, but maybe try to repeat it over and over until you become the best version of yourself, the one that you couldn't even envision the year before because you have grown so much.  So what have I come up with?  There are four areas of growth I am going to focus on.  It is based on the scripture found in Luke 2:52 that states that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man.  As he is my role model, it only stands to reason, that I can mimic his life by growing intellectually, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.  In case you think me a genius, know that the framework for these thoughts and actions have come from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I'm spectacularly thankful for their guidance, but even more for my ability to catch the vision.

For me each category was harder than the next, but here is what I have come up with.  Some may happen quickly, others may take more than a year to master, but I am committed to replace those items as I conquer them.  Intellectually I would like to be fluent in Spanish.  This has been weighing on my mind that last quarter of this year.  I have spent 100+ consecutive days studying each morning.  I need to practice with people and I know many of my friends and family are fluent.  Practice with me, I will likely be resistant.  For the first time in many years I feel supremely insecure.  I like being good at things and this is not something I am intuitively good at.  Add to that my worry that my brain is not as flexible and spongelike as it once was, and a crippling fear that I am not actually as smart as I have thought myself to be over these last two decades and fear of failure is on the horizon in a looming way I haven't felt for some time.  This worries me that I have not been pushing myself for many years, but instead of dwelling there, I choose to see the opportunity in this all.

Physically, I have debated intensely two items, but one feels more meaningful long term.  That goal is to eat more vegetables.  I'm not picky, I like vegetables, but I don't eat them or prepare them near as much as I should and instead eat the cursory amount to satisfy my need to feel like an adult.  I really am hoping to make 25% of my diet vegetables.  My hope is that this will set me up for more long term health that will improve the quality and longevity of my life.  Alas there is no health scare, my blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and overall blood work show remarkably healthy values.  My love of running and naturally good physical genetics have made me lucky in that way, but I can't help but wonder what eating in a manner more consistent with the Word of Wisdom will do for my health.

Spiritually, I want to pray more intently and find someone to serve every day.  Those two will likely go hand in hand.  But basically I want to start my day but checking in with my Heavenly Father in the loquacious way I talk to those closest to me.  I want to ask him to direct me to someone each day who I can serve and I want to harness that Spirit of revelation and purpose and power daily in my life.

And last socially, I would like to better document all the things I am doing.  Alas here comes the revitalization of this blog.  Not because I want to monetize it or the world to read it, but I want to continue to print it into books and keep it digitally, so that my children, grandchildren, and endless posterity can visit to learn about their ancestors.  They can see pictures, hear stories, and relate to our lives in a way that keeps us close to them even if we are not physically near.

Each year is flying by faster than the last.  This life is fleeting, temporary, and spectacular.  I just want to make sure that every day I am doing as much living as I possibly can.  Love to you all!