Monday, June 16, 2008

This Really Is My Day

This picture really illustrates a day with me. I run errands and all around the town the irony and dichotomy are not lost on me. The newest and oldest in technology I suppose. The buggy parked right next to the hybrid car. I guess they accomplish similar purposes in that they are both alternative, eco-friendly options, but to me they slow me down time and time again. The hybrid car because the consumer always tends to be a hippie who is more concerned with getting optimal gas mileage instead of getting places on time or me the car following it. And as for the buggy, you can imagine that this particular, one horse buggy really doesn't amp out speed. I can only assume the warranty repair man who stopped by my house today had me pegged when he said, "you seem like you are pretty wired" referring to my ability to handle four small children. Yes I am and so please can we in the state of Pennsylvania learn to be like rural Texas and pull over and wave cars around us instead of watching the line of growing cars increase behind us. Thanks. I appreciate it.


candice said...

I love the picture! There are not many places in the world you could get a photo like that! A wise friend once told me, "don't sweat the small stuff"... good advice!

laura said...

hey mary. i love your blog. you are so genuine in your writing. it's refreshing.
oh, and when i get my prius i will wear my tie dye, drive very fast and think of you.

Mindee Graver said...

Amen to that! It seems people out here don't really get it. If their are cars piling up behind you and no one infront of you, you are probably going to slow! Pull Over and let us Pass!!

nicole said...

Uh, you forgot about the very large tractors.I'm so glad you are here. we had lots of fun the other day and hope there will be more of that stuff.