Monday, December 22, 2008

I Saw Glass Bend

So it is 9*F right now and with the wind chill -13*F. Yeah and that wind it has been blowing up to sixty miles an hour all night. We are down one trash can, despite our search and rescue party for it last night. So long you served us well. Although I am still hopeful it magically will blow back. And before going to bed I watched my back sliding door bend with the pressure of the wind. A little disconcerting, but Travis says that is what it is supposed to do. Otherwise the glass would shatter. I guess; it still seems crazy to me. Happy Almost Winter!


kbhull said...

Tell me about it!!! And you really like living here????

So I still haven't decided. It might be fun for new years but that might be too much for you-- what do you think???

Stacy said...

I want to see pics how much snow do you have? We just got a foot or more and it is still snowing.

Biz said...

It IS winter.

The Doctors Wife said...

Thankyou for making me feel better about my decision to move to TX instead of PA. I like that it is cold one day and then freezing the next and then warm again. Oh, and "cold" is 40 degrees here.

Cheri said...

Here in Canada, it has been -22C with wind chills to -40C -- that is also -40F... you want to talk about cold, I thought the fabric in my coat would crackle and fall off!! You don't know cold!!!