Tuesday, December 9, 2008

And Then There Were Two

We arrive, happily play, go back to the room. We try to take off shoes and coats for the measurements and that is when the crying starts. Yeah we are at the doctor's office for a 3 yr old appt and a 15 mo old appt. And my kids are behaving as if they have had some traumatic experience which they have not. In the past, shots solicited a little crying and cuddle time but were quickly gotten over. We measure Issac and he quickly is back to normal realizing it's just mundane. Now Kody...and then he cries at the thought of sitting on the scale without me holding him. He clings to me like he never has before. Laying flat for his height is torture. And he rips the head measuring tape clean off. He is having none of it despite my holding him.

The nurse leaves. The doctor comes in. We have some random fussing, but are managing. Then the nurse comes back in to give the shots. Holy Moses despite the numbing spray agent Issac is shrieking. Kody gets his turn and he lets out some good yelps. And then there were two and for the first time both kids are crying simeltaneously. I am holding and cuddling them both. And they finally calm down, but good gravy you would have thought I just chopped their arms off. So the measurements are in...
Kody is 23 lbs. 9 oz.-30%; 31 in-45%; head 48 cm-75%
Issac is 31 lb. 8 oz.-45%; 35 1/2 in-10%


Anonymous said...

Heyyyy, Isaac isn't dense... he's really smart! :) LOL

I'm glad I continued reading... I understand now! Maybe I'm the one who it dense! :) haha!

Beckie said...

I totally feel for you. Issy had a cardiology appointment yesterday and they have to do an echo each time. You would have thought they were murdering him. You could hear him up and down the hall screaming.

kbhull said...

I feel for you. I was there on Monday and have to go back on Thurs.
And I think my Wrigley is bigger than Kody --- don't know if I should be worried or happy.

candice said...

So freaking funny!!! First of all, how did you do the dense/hugeheaded picture... HILLARIOUS!!! Second, I am laughing at your embarrasment about Kody... it ended with a paralyzing fear that I too could be in that same position here shortly! Thanks for the laughs, thanks for the reality check!