Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It Isn't Spring

In my world I live for milestones and markers to guide me. And as much as the calender can say it is officially Spring, it isn't until a couple of things occur. First the kids have to be able to be wearing t-shirts and summer gear, the sun has to shine for a couple days in a row uninterrupted, also I have to be able to let my windows open in my house both day and night with the chill in the morning that makes you excited for the day to warm up, drive with the car windows down and sing my heart out, and the last marker we hit just this week. It was to go to our first official baseball game. This week we went to the high school baseball game played less than a half a block from our house. I walked all the kids over and Travis met us there after work. It was family day and they once again had all these freebies. Did I mention how much I love free stuff?
Although we had already had cotton candy to mark Spring a little extra never hurt anyone. It was even cotton candy flavored cotton candy. Also they handed out popcorn, lemonade and iced tea, ice cream, and frisbees, t-shirts, and other random prizes.

It was a perfect day. The kids even watched with enthusiasm as the players went to bat not really caring who won but always cheering for the batter. Issac at one point looked at me and said, "When I get big I play this." And I feel pretty confident he will because the boy is passionate about it and he sat and watched with a quiet intensity rarely exhibited in a 3 year old.


Biz said...

I know it's spring when it stops snowing. Feel me?

whitney allison said...

What a fun day. Who doesn't love free stuff?

John and Jennie Hair said...

That sounds like it was such a fun day. How nice it would be to sit and watch a ball game in the sun and eat all kinds of free stuff. My boys would be all over it!!! Your kids are getting so big!