Tuesday, May 12, 2009

All Caught Up

Kody has started the terrible twos despite only being 20 months old. So it is with my kids. Today in an effort to sit Kody on the futon in the boys' room so I could finish the steam cleaning job, he showed me his disdain by throwing a little tantrum and flinging himself out of my arms pre-emptively. He threw himself right onto the wooden, sharp edged, armrest.
Hello first black eye of Kody's. After a good cry he was quite mellow throwing far fewer tantrums.
Who knew physical trauma could really calm a child down like that?


Staigerfamily said...

ha ha ha I love the very remorseful picture at the end!

Beckie said...

Well I am glad he calmed down and hope that there are no more broken diapers in your future. Miss you.

Mindee Graver said...

I was going through Mary withdraw's! You hadn't posted in a while, but as I see, you've been pretty busy!! The poop post was well, I know you and I know that couldn't have been easy for you so CONGRATULATIONS for not throwing up! Hope this week is better for you!

Sommer said...

he looks so sad..... i can't help but laugh and be sad all at the same time!