Sunday, February 8, 2009

This Is The Way We Pray

So anyone who has ever been to our house knows my husband is a hunter and that isn't just because we have five different animals in our living room either. My husband may also ask you which deer head is bigger and so on. And because it is important to him it has become important to our kids also. Last night when it was time to pray all the kids raised their hands shouting their volunteers. Unexpectedly Kody wanted to as well. He is almost 18 months old and is becoming a good mimicker so we thought sure why not. Bella started to help him. She said, "Dear" and he said "Deer" and jumped up and ran over to the couch and pointed up towards the ceiling to the deer that hung on the wall above it. After that we couldn't get him past deer he was too excited and the kids were in a fit of giggles that he had put homonyms to good use. And that's how we pray at our house.


Stacy said...

So cute!

John and Jennie Hair said...

That is so much fun when they start talking and putting things together. Joshua is starting to say a few words here and there, which keeps us smiling. You have cute kids!!