Monday, August 9, 2010

Maine - Part 2; My Birthday

Suffice it to say, Maine was great. Although I would not suggest anyone stay at the Kennebunk Gallery Motel, despite the absolute genuine kindness of the owners. And I'll leave it at that. Otherwise my birthday was awesome. It included:

more beach/pool time with the family including dry me off cuddles,

leaving my hair curly for a change,

going out to an exquisite dinner {citrus seafood ravioli},

loads of loving kisses,

a trip to Old Orchard Beach and an impromptu gift {a book},

spoiling my husband with decadent desserts {$7 huge smore},

and my favorite birthday treat of fried dough with powdered sugar and strawberries.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mary! You are beautiful!!!!!