Sunday, September 27, 2009

Birthday Wishes

(Kristin, Jenny, Emilie, Moi)
A girl after my own heart, Emilie, my new friend/churchmate arranged to have four different birthday celebrations for herself this year. She also has a sugar momma, no lie. She's so enviable sometimes.

Last night I took part in the shoe party event #3. We fancied ourselves up enough to put on some great shoes -heels of course-, went out for a freakin awesome meal -Iron Hill Brewery-, and a not so good waiter - he just started working there and it was busy-. I ditched the movie which was the last part, but I am sure it was equally fabulous.

Here's to happy birthdays especially when you get to plan the details of the celebration(s).


Jenny said...

It was good fun! Thanks for letting me borrow your jacket!

Beckie said...

I love the peachy shoes! So which foot is yours?

Sommer said...

so cute!!! I love the teal shoes. I second Beckie, which one is yours? What a cute idea, and sounds like a great group of friends.

jaime said...

Ooooo love the hot shoes ladies!! Happy Birthday to Emilie! :)