Friday, March 26, 2010

I Love...this week anyway

...being elbow deep in dough and dreaming about the bakery i will one day own and operate with beautiful and magnificently large kitchen appliances. ...that one of our(travis and my) guy friends was chatting with travis and mentioned how hot he thought i was. i never realized how much i like hearing this. don't laugh those of you who remember my self obsessed teenage years. they are long gone, often i don't think of myself, often i don't even feel hot anymore. i feel like a mom, a wife, a friend, a sister - perfectly average in every way. it is really good to hear i am anything but average after all. after realizing how much this means to me i have given travis the universal heads up to tell women themselves, their spouses, and friends which girls he thinks are hot too. spreading the love of feeling beautiful seems like such a pleasant concept to me. and if i do say so myself this guy friend of ours is pretty hot too.

...that my last Relief Society meeting went so good. it was a great mixture of fun and encouragement. i have many friends who helped make it such a success. and i have uplifting friends who readily tell me how spectacular they think the night went and how great they think i am. shoes. they make me happy; they make me feel cool. they make me feel grateful that travis and i are at a stage in life when i can see a pair of shoes i want and get them.
...being quoted or paraphrased and upon hearing it back feel very smart and wise. i see myself as such a goofball, partially awkward because often i do things to my own drummer's beat, but hearing me being paraphrased i feel proud of who i am, the things i think, and the beliefs that drive me.

...that my daughter is a budding poetry prodigy (sample below):

i'm always there for you
i'm always there for you
to help you go far.
there are things that one can't do
so i'm there for you.
i'm gonna go no matter what you say
you don't need help but deep down you want me
so i'm going to be there for you.
you want me you know it
so do i.
so please tell the truth.

...that my son loves to dress himself and has clear ideas of what he likes, even though his sense of fashion or even matching for that matter may be skewed in some people's eyes.


whitney allison said...

I can totally see you in those shoes...and I'm glad to see you got your bread done.

Anja said...

LOVE the shoes and you are HOTTT

Carrie said...

Your bread is amazing! Have I ever told you that before? Probably not, but it is. AND the activity/meeting did go well, even though I had to leave early.

Sommer said...

Love the shoes Mary! You are anything but average. I have always looked up to and still do... and you are beautiful!

a friend said...

It seems really inappropriate for married people to tell other married people they are hot...wether it feels good in the moment or not. Especially within the gospel.