Friday, May 30, 2008


Okay so lately Wyatt has been having lots of nightmares. I think I remember Bella at the same age, so it is probably more developmental than anything. My dilemna is this. Once he has one, you can probably bank on him continuing to have them the rest of the night. I don't do shared sleeping. I have tried making him a bed under my bed, having him lay beside my bed, I have tried night lights, bathroom lights, his light all night, and nothing seems to work or help. We have tried drawing his bad dreams and throwing them away, tearing them, etc... We have given him protection (see above picture), I feel like everything. Any ideas from the peanut gallery. Last night I was up at least six times from 12:30 to 4:15 at which point we put him in bed with Bella. Help Me.


Beckie said...

I wish I could help, but I let Issy crawl in bed with me and hope that I get some sleep. Hope things get better.

Anja said...

I know this sounds stupid, but try to google it and see if you get some good articles. A lot of times they can be really helpful and can sometimes even give you suggestions as to why he is getting them.

OwenEveryone said...

What has worked for us in the past is we let the girls sleep on the floor in our room just like you have done..... the only other thing we do is Jason offers to give them a blessing of comfort,that seems to help them settle down enough and also sleeping in our room on the floor on their own little bed makes them feel "safe"..... Good luck! Let us know how it goes for you!


Mindee Graver said...

You hit the nail on the head with the last one. It always worked for Bethanee and Gus to sleep in eachothers bed. If Bethanee was having a bad dream she'd get in bed with Gus and vice versa. Hope that works for Wyatt~

The Doctors Wife said...

Maybe give him a spray bottle filled with "bad dream be gone" (water)and he can spray it around his room. I've said prayers with my kids or had Mike give them blessings. What worked for Anna for a while was flipping her pillow over to the good dream side. best of luck.

ambyr said...

this picture is priceless!! I cannot sleep with kids in my bed...I will head to the couch if that ever happens!! poor thing-nightmares, really?! did we all have them when we were young?!!

nicole said...

What a good mom you are- I love the "protection"I don't think my kids have ever had it real bad but usually I just lie down near them until they fall back asleep and then go back to my own bed