Excuse me as I moan here a bit. In fact ignore me completely. I am just feeling a bit sorry for myself which doesn't happen often, but typically once I indulge in, I am over it.
Long story short, I got a call from a friend yesterday. She was unexpectedly in town with her parents. Who I've seen every two or three years since I met this friend nine years ago. They invited me to meet them in Mount Joy, 7 miles or so away for dinner with the husband and kids. I was so excited to go, because I don't see this friend as often as I'd like especially considering she only lives in Pittsburgh.
We meet for dinner and have the best time. So what is the problem you ask? These people are the most genuine, nice, energetic people ever. Could easily be a second set of parents. Make me feel like the smartest, most beautiful, successful person and mother. Encourage me and tell me I could do anything even fly to the moon. And I think they really believe it.
And that is what makes me sad. Why can't my parents be like that. Why can't they seem young and hip, cool and crazy, supportive and encouraging, and genuinely in love with me as a person, instead of the obligatory daughter love. And logically I know I wouldn't be the same person had they been my parents, and tough love has done a lot for me, and helped me develop some really admirable characteristics, but sometimes I think it would have been a nice contrast to the life I have actually led.
Okay I'm done. Sorry to be a whiny baby.
Love Bugs
9 months ago
It's Benj-
Remember, the great thing about us being parents is we get to learn from ours, both good and bad. I too have felt this in the past which is why I've taken a page out of the Haueter play book; Fluff and Cheese, always Fluff and Cheese. Kids will eat it up and it does wonders for their esteam.
And Mary, you are smart and wonderful and amazing. And I tell everyone how funny you are. And how talented you are at parenting.
And our parents STRUGGLE with verbal affirmation. Heck, they struggle with any affirmation.
But they were great at teaching us the gospel. And they were great and taking us to the beach and the lake club. They were good at teaching hard work (crap you know our friends struggle with.)
I'm completely with you. Many times I have felt, "where is the love." Then I look to my siblings and on a good day, I get it from them. And my close friends. And well... Roy and Billee Haueter.
So eat it up from whoever's parents. You ARE fantastic.
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