Thursday, August 6, 2009

What the Numbers Mean

Lately I have been hearing a lot about how much it costs to raise a child, some numbers reported as much as 220,000 for a child up to 18. After doing my own research I found that in the end multiple factors play into it like whether you are a single or dual parent family, your race, and your socioeconomic status or income. Really a nice median number of 160,000 for most people is accurate. It seems like a huge amount of money, at least to me, at first but then I broke it down.
Here's what I came up with:
$160,000 for 18 years,
$8,889 a year,
$740 a month,
$24 a day
and just about $1 an hour.
This is what less than a dollar costs you considering these are just moments and not hours.
(Being a hero to a sick child at 3am)

(Experiencing God's greatest miracle: LIFE)

(Watching a child learn something new)

(Being overcome with love) Doesn't seem like such a bad deal after all. Actually the best investment I've ever made.


Jenny said...

Luray, VA. About 3 1/2 hours from here and costs 21 for adults and 10 for children ages 6-12

Oh and the price of raising a child, Totally Worth It!

Ashley said...

I agree!

Kerree said...

I have 4 children so based on your calculations it is costing me $4 an hour to raise my kids. I can't think of anything I'd rather spend that money on. What a bargain!

Campbell Family said...

What a nice post. I've been needing to read something like that. I've had a bad attitude about being a parent lately and I need to change it! You're a great example of always thinking positive.

Sommer said...

so sweet and very well put!

Candace said...

thanks Mary...You are a great inspiration. What a great mother you are!!