Saturday, August 1, 2009

It's Gonna Cost You

I love my four kids. I love my family.
But there are some things I don't love.
I don't love spending $30 on bread for two weeks!
I don't love spending $50 for cereal for two weeks.
Don't believe me check my receipt from last night's Wal-Mart trip.
$80 and I still don't have real food.
Sometimes having four kids really does cost you.


Mindee Graver said...

Right there with ya girl. Its unbelievable the amount of food 4 kids can eat...

Laura Lynn said...

For me it's the laundry!
Do we really need all these clothes?? Or better yet, do I really need to hang on to them?
Those nudists are on to something!

John and Jennie Hair said...

Wait till your boys get bigger. It doesn't stop. I've finally caught onto the idea that as long as a little boy's tummy is full, he is a lot happier. It just isn't very happy on your checkbook!