Thursday, May 13, 2010


In an effort to lose weight I have been changing my eating habits to reflect life long change instead of dieting. I just love food too much to do that nonsense. From the beginning of the year I have lost 10-12 lbs. depending on the day. I fluctuate those two pounds daily. I am really excited about those pounds and have noticed a real difference in the way my clothes fit.

Still I want to lose another 10-15 lbs. And although some may be bulking at this figure because when it is all said and done that will be 25 lbs total which is a lot. I'm not arguing that, but considering almost no one has recognized the first ten it signals there is still plenty more to lose.

And here is where I need your help. I've hit a plateau. But remember I am looking for healthy solutions. Let me give you all the 411 on my body. I am short, muscular, and the basic equivalent of a square or cube since I am 3D in terms of body shape. I gain my weight pretty evenly all over with a slight increase in inches towards my hips and thighs. After hitting the gym hard for the first two months of the year, I realized that I bulk up with muscles far to fast and just firm the square instead of lenthening to a rectangle. At this age I am looking for a more lean look. So I switched to Yoga and Pilates, although cliched it has done wonders for me in the third and fourth month. The biggest eatting change has been I have definitively stopped eating after 7pm, a hard and aggravating, but worthy change. I would contribute the bulk of the weight loss to this change single handedly.

So now what? I have heard people talk about multivitamins. Yes I believe they will help with general health, but in weight loss. I don't know. Second drink more water. And third eat more fiber. I have just started this third one yesterday. People give me your tips, hints, and advice on what works for you. Remember all healthy, achievable, realistic long term life changes. I'm not doing Atkins, South Beach, HCG, or any other food restrictive/binge eating nonsense. First and foremost I believe in nutrition and health. I'd just like a little more weight loss on the side.


Dahlia said...

After I had my 3rd baby, I was totally into getting rid of the weight and toning up. Good work thus far on removing close to half of your weight loss goal!!!
I hit a plateau around 6 weeks of working out, but you just have to keep it up. Keep eating right and remember the FIT principle: frequency, intensity, and time. You can change that up and it will help you get through the plateau.
You're inspiring!!!

The Doctors Wife said...

Try a vitamin B shot if your doctor will give one or just take the Vitamin B vitamin. It is supposed to boost your metabolism. I started taking Super B complex vitamin and have noticed an increase in energy big time. I know you love to dance so dance daily doing your daily things. It makes housework much more fun plus adds the excercise in addition to your regular work out. I too have lost 10 lbs but have plateued a big but mine is due to me not sticking with the eating after 7 rule. Gotta get back on track.

The Robisons said...

I am with you 100%. Since having my two kids I have gained a whopping....60 lbs. SOOOO, not having the excuse of kids anymore (since Emilee will be 4 soon) I decided in January enough is enough. I joined Weight Watchers and I LOOOOVVVVEEEE it. It teaches you life style change and portion control. In 16 weeks I have lost 45lbs. Along with weight watchers I do spinning classes 3-5 days a week. I too have the "athletic" build and get bigger in the hips/legs/butt first. IF you can find a good spinning will actually SLIM those areas instead of bulk up. I have fallen in love with spinning... ALSO, have something to work towards OTHER than the scale and it takes the pressure off. This weekend I am running in my first 5K and training for a Triathlon Sprint for June 26th (it’s a 1/4mi swim, 12 mi bike ride, and 2 mi run). THAT is what motivates me more than the scale.
Good-luck though and it is amazing that you are doing so well!!! KEEP IT UP!!!