Tuesday, December 22, 2009

So Much

(So the baking began Saturday evening.) (Sunday Travis shoveled our driveway and thought piling it neatly around the mailbox would be funny. It is to me, but that's why I married him. It's over five feet tall there. Love you Mrs. Postlady.) (Sunday night we delivered cookies to our visiting/home teachees. This was a neighbor of someone we visit. Seriously a whole 'nother level. I love it. fab-tack-u-lous.) (People who know me well know I love puzzles. I'm a big fat nerd, but I love them. I started this baby over a week ago. 1000 pieces of pure pink. Took me forever and my eyes are mangled, but I needed to get it done to get to the serious baking.) (Serious baking commenced today. Just under 20 dozen cookies. All before 12:30. That doesn't include the chocolate cookies, fudge, or other goodies from Saturday. Now I just have puppy chow, one more batch of fudge and I am done. - Minus the actual Christmas day cooking/baking.)

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you are feeling the holiday cheer and enjoying it.


Rachelle said...

i love all of your snow!!!

and cookies!!

Anja said...

man I need all those huge tupperware container to store mine in! I started baking early and ran out of room to store everything until it was time to give it away! I'll have to invest in some serious tupperware!

ckw said...

Wow. Nicely done. I'm exhausted just thinking about everything YOU did.

Merry Christmas and have a great trip!