Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Mom is a Fabulous Grandma

Who knew? My mom someone who I struggled to get along with on the most basic level as a teenager and adult, granted I'm sure I contribute to that problem quite a bit, is a wonderful and loving grandma. She dotes on the kids with a love and attention I have seldom seen exhibited in my mom. She has always admitted a love for babies and small children. I am sure at one point she was like that with me, doting and loving, but as my childhood memories faded to make room for more recent memories I remember conflict and fighting. With few younger siblings to see it redemonstrated on I have never associated my mom with this woman of warmth I see before me now. She is tender with the kids, when I as mother need to be firm. She is silly with them when I am too "busy" to be silly. What a wonderful and unexpected surprise.

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