Monday, March 14, 2016

Happy "Golden" Birthday

Isa had her golden birthday.  It was a action movie inspired party this past weekend.  They all brought their favorite movies and vegged out.  Lots of Avenger type movies were watched and the individual pizza making and popcorn bar were big hits.  I can't believe she's 14.  Time is going too fast, but it gets better and better with every year. 

So what makes Bella so amazing...well on my short list, I have...she's:
hardworking, funny, kind, thoughtful, obedient, devoted, righteous.

Everyday she makes me proud.  Happy Birthday, sweet pea.  And so below:  you can read her annual birthday interview:

What's your favorite thing to do?
Read and write stories and hang out with friends

What do you want to be when you grow up? 
Be an entrepreneur and own my own café/restaurant

What is your favorite food?
Pretty much anything

Who do you like to hang out with?
Nina and the rest of my friends, but Nina best. but don't tell them I said that.

What do you do really well? 
A lot of stuff.  I'd say I'm just a jack of all trades for the most part.

What makes you laugh?
When someone is being ridiculous and I get to be ridiculous with them.

What is the best time of day?
Probably really early in the morning before everyone is awake or really late at night when everyone is asleep.

What are you afraid of?
Not a lot, but I guess not being liked at this point.

What do you like to do with your family?
I like to go hiking, when we play card or board games on the weekends or Monday nights.

What do you like to learn about?
Math, it's becoming a pretty cool subject for me.  Learning about the number e and compounding in real life.

Where do you like to go?
I'd say my bed, because it's my alone time.

What is your favorite book?
I don't have a favorite book, but my favorite subjects is American Classics with the women; so like Secret Garden, Little Women, Little House on the Prairie.  Or Fantasy like I really like the Unwanteds.

If you could have one wish, what would it be?
I'd wish for infinite wishes, because I'm that person, but if I couldn't I'd say...I'd probably wish that life would be exactly how I want it - not too easy, but not hard, just perfect.

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