Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Second To...

Mother's Day may be my favorite holiday, only second to my birthday.  Of course.  Well that's partly true, but only in the fact that both aren't really holidays but celebrated events.  Once again this is a day devoted to me.  And I like to think that most every day I am a pretty selfless mother and wife, but if you tell me that I can have a day to be on.

My day was made perfect by my husband and children.  Basically they just pour the love on even more than usual.  It started with breakfast in bed, flowers from Bella.  I then came down to a table of donuts and elementary school kid craft for mother's.  And let's be honest I love this stuff too.  Hearing kids fill in blanks about their parents is a hilarious read for me.  But maybe it's just my kids.  Nothing too crazy this year, but lots of endearing things.

Then Travis and the kids managed themselves for Church that morning, Travis handled all kid behavior issues and we came home to a late lunch and finished the day by laying out.  The kids played happily on the trampoline and in the sprinklers as I read and eventually napped with Bella in the backyard.  And that folks is pretty close to perfection in my book.

After a light dinner and dessert we opened more presents.  Two awesome sets of sneakers.  The kids went to bed and I took the time to update my blog and catch up on the important but rarely urgent matters of my life, that I tend to neglect.  I then read in bed before falling peacefully asleep.  Ahh isn't it nice this mother thing.

All of that aside, it really is.  Best surprise of my life was finding out how much I enjoyed being a mom.  And it helps that I have the best kids, making my job pretty easy.  Happy Mother's Day out there to all the selfless, wonderful mothers who make this world a better place to live.  Your actions matter and have a far reaching influence for good.  Keep up the good work.
from left: pen, book, he can't remember, granola bar, cell phone, $5, and keys

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