Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bachelorette Party

Nothing says bachelorette party fun like Mexican food, oh my good!,
Mariachi Bands doing suggestive dances towards the bride to be,
making the bride to be dress ridiculously as you galavant around the town having cars and men honk, scream, wave, and "try" to expose their naked rear ends in your general direction. Lucky try was the operative word as I sped my oh so tiny Hyundai Accent rental car, filled with six girls, away to the safety of eye saving sights in the direction of the bowling alley.
Where we bowled, ate cake, and actted ridiculous. Then our bachelorette party converged back to the bride and groom home-to-be to join the bachelor party where they played cards, barbequed, and watched world cup, and the real fun began.

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