Friday, August 7, 2020

Sad, Happy, and Everything in Between

With the new school year starting in just a few days, I am feeling reflective and introspective.  I've learned at times of transition, I tend to be more thoughtful.  


I am sad the kids are going back to school.

I will miss them.

I will be lonely without them.

I hate the early mornings.

The hectic schedules and filled hours with busy work.

I hate the shortening days, that provide little time for outdoor family fun after getting home at 4:45pm.

I hate seeing them stress about school, sports, seminary, and the other components of their life.


But I am so happy for them.

They miss their friends and can't wait to return to see them.

They are excited to learn again.

To have a routine and schedule to their day.

Travis will still be working from home and so I will have unlimited access to him.

I will have separate and uninterrupted time to work on my school work.

In Between:

I can't say I am nervous about Coronavirus.  I wonder if I should be.  But I'm not.

School rules, regulations, and protocols seem unrealistic to follow through on, but I am encouraging everyone in our family to remain flexible, optimistic, and open minded.

There is a part of me that wants to stress out about all the unknowns, but mostly I still just have peace.

So may the odds ever be in our family's favor as we embark on the 2020-2021 school year!

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