Tuesday, August 18, 2020

20 Years Strong and Only Getting Stronger

20 years ago kneeling over an altar, I said yes and covenanted with Travis our eternities.  We were surrounded by friends and family, dressed in white, and wildly naive as to what marriage was.

Today at the 20 year mark, I know that marriage is sleepless tag team nights of child rearing, stressful disagreements in lean financial times, comforting hugs through loss and heartbreak, and the best friend, roommate, and dreamy crush all in one.

As I ran this morning, I imagined our 40 year anniversary.  All the kids grown with kids and families of their own.  I saw Travis retired and constantly by my side, always my fondest wish, doting on and spoiling our children and grandchildren.  I see afternoon naps spooned together like when we used to date.  

Then my mind spun to your 60 year anniversary.  I imagined us hanging onto one another as we wonder our house because we can't remember where we laid things down at, shuffling more slowly but still busily engaged in our hobbies.  I see grandkids popping in and out checking on us and us dozing on and off as we watch movies together in the afternoons.

God willing we may even make it to 70 years that is how young we were married, but my youthfulness in choosing him and him me has not ever given me one moment's pause. he has always been and continues to be my sure thing.  My confidence in him and us only grows stronger with each passing day.  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BABE! Eat well, exercise lots, and get some sleep because I have big and busy plans for our future.

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