Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easter Preview

Update:  This was actually the kids 2nd Egg Hunt. 
My hubbs and sister took the kids to their first one.  My mistake :0)
Our first Easter Event. 
They called it an Easter Egg Hunt, but it was actual a candy scamble. 
No worries! 
My kids aren't discriminating about how they get candy, just that they get it.

1 comment:

The Congers said...

I was so mad at myself for missing all of the "hunts" this weekend, I totally spazzed and forgot about it all, I was just congratulating myself on getting things for his basket but missed all that jazz. Bummer. PS you need to change your button for my blog to and I also wanted to ask you about something that you wrote on another post about how your kids have to eat what is for dinner. What was your rule about that? Like if you don't eat what is for dinner you just go without, do you limit snacks before dinner, obviously Kace is younger than your kiddos but I am just looking for some suggestions about how to get him back to his "down anything" stage.