Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Little Baby Girl

In the middle of the night, comes the call...we have a baby, she needs a home.  Can you take her?  The family where we plan to put her, where her brother all already is, can't be reached.  We know it's not ideal but you will have her a couple days to a week.  Can we bring her by?

And after a sleepy, half cogent prayer and a brief discussion, the answer is yes.  She is delivered still in the dead of night, before the sun is up, before my brain is operating still.  Sleep is foregone, but adrenaline - the good kind- is running rampant.  My mind rushes to fill the million gaps and potential problems that I can find and starts providing solutions.

And once she is here, it is easy to see that the answer can next to never be no.  This is a human.  Someone with a need and as a disciple of Christ, I will retrieve the one, if at all possible.  And so now, I am sleep deprived, in school, barely holding it all together, letting Travis pick up so much of where I am failing.  It reminds me what an amazing helpmeet and husband I have in him.  It reminds me of the toughness and resiliency of our family.  It reminds me I don't need to be perfect, just present. 

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