Friday, July 7, 2017

The Cabin...

It doesn't really matter if I am sending my daughter to Spain in days, or there is a national holiday in between, or even that days after I send my daughter to Spain we are moving to Texas.
If my sister wants to squeeze in one last visit, I am thrilled.
And if we need to go to the cabin one more time...then that is where we need to be.
 8 years of tradition. 
Denny's on the way up to the cabin. 
Kody when two spotted the sign and shouted from the backseat for it. 
Shocked, laughing, and hungry we obliged.
Every trip since, we are there.
 The park by the grocery store in Renova is a past time from my childhood.
Climbing on the metal igloo, seesaw, swings, and was the break away from the cabin as a small kid and continues to be for my kids.
 No visit is complete without a stop on Hyner View. 
Walking out to the hang glider platform for a view and pictures makes life complete.
Man I love my sister.
I love the many memories of our family cabin.
Traditions really are the what make families.

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