Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Building a Ukulele

This year for Isa's class, they had to pick an independent project.  They work on it outside of school mostly and it is independently driven based on their interests.  Last year Bella chose to "learn Spanish".  This year she became obsessed with music.  She decided she wanted to build and teach herself to play the ukulele. 

Well thanks to Travis's arsenal of power tools and some friends, they achieved their goal.  She was a rock star.  And it turned out beautifully.  It doesn't have quite the acoustics of the one Santa got her for Christmas, but it plays and works perfectly.  Her ability to problem solve and work hard amazed me.  Plus Travis and her had many hours together doing this and bonding over it.  I think he was just as excited as she was.  Here is her picture journey...
picking and cutting the wood
trimming it to our CNC's dimensions
doing the specs for the CNC cuts
testing resin techniques and applications
making the bridge and other small parts
wood glued and clamped in its entirety
adding her bling statement on the back - a music note
her music teacher helping her string it
finished product
her last bedazzle, glow in the dark resin
I love that this girl isn't afraid to fail and fearlessly tries hard things!  She exceeds all my expectations!  Special thanks to my hubby who had the skills and knowledge I didn't to help her.

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