Saturday, February 5, 2022

Opening Up the Windows to Heaven

I tend to live my life pursuing anything that interests me wholeheartedly. The downside of this is that I almost always have more interests than I do time. As a result, I have to inwardly reflect on what my strongest values are and make choices that reflect those.

Right now I am at a crossroads as I consider new job offers, getting my doctorate degree, focusing on my family and kids these last 3 years before Travis and I are empty nesters, future dream jobs, and retirement plans. Yes I am a planner and so choices are being made now for that. Once again, I am grateful but torn over so many awesome options.
So like I have historically with any major decision in life (including who to marry, where to live - all seven moves, what homes to buy, when and how many children to have, what jobs to take, when to start and stop phases of life) I find myself using tonight and tomorrow to fast and pray about it. This is something members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have the opportunity to do each month.
And even though I can't have it all, or at least all right now in this moment, I feel peace because I know I will get direction as I lift my heart and mind to commune with my Heavenly Father. "Fasting, coupled with mighty prayer, is powerful. It can fill our minds with the revelations of the Spirit." He will guide and direct me and continue to make my life better than anything I have ever been able to plan or imagine for myself.
And if there is any one thing I have wanted to teach and pass down to my kids, it is that absolute confidence in recognizing the voice of the Lord and knowing he loves and cares about them and that he will talk to, guide, and direct them as he has me throughout my life. I know that they will feel the peace and assurance and confidence in all areas of their life that I have been able to have. So regardless of your faith, I challenge each of you - try it out, at least once, see what you think and consider how you feel.

For more about fasting, see here!

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