Saturday, June 20, 2020

Kody Tody Isn't A Toddler Anymore

I'm so proud of this kid.
Not because he is a 12 year old Eagle Scout,
although that is fantastic and incredible.
They were impressed with his confidence and preperation. Even his board of review went quickly.  He gathered toys, bedding, and clothing for a local foster nonprofit
right before Christmas time.
What makes the story incredible is that his Scout troop dismantled in December 2019.
He still needed to be in a troop for 3 more
months and finish a few merit badges.
For some time he had been debating whether to finish or not.
He finally decided to make the decision to pray about it. He did and felt like he needed to finish.  He had a great experiencing practicing to "Hear Him".  Not only that but he acted and quickly too.
I hope this exeprience helps solidify for him the blessings of talking to a loving Father in Heaven and then hearkening to His words.

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