Friday, December 23, 2016

Wee Ones

Baby fever is in full effect.  I've never been a baby person, but fostering a wee one has changed my perspective.  Maybe it is still just with "my" kids, but fostering a newborn has been the perfect thing for me right now in life.  I wonder how I'll remember this time in 1 year, 5 years, 20. 

We got this perfect, premature, little bundle straight from the hospital.  He was 9 weeks old, but being born at 29 weeks and 2 lbs 10 oz made his stay slightly longer than normal.  After visiting him in the hospital, scurrying to borrow, beg, and buy all the baby gear all over again, we brought him home.  He was still just 5 lbs even. 

We had so many appointments at first: weekly weigh ins, weekly blood work, follow up appointments for his eyes, ears, anemia, monthly RSV vaccines, along with all the normal stuff.  He went from fitting in 1 hand, being attached to tubes and looking a bit like an alien, to the old man phase and just now at just shy of 5 months he has finally found the sweet chubby splendor of a newborn.  I think tomorrow his weigh in will put him at the 10 pound mark. 

Our biggest hurdles now are constipation, developmental delays and the fact that he is healthy enough that he doesn't just sleep all the time anymore.  On the upside, he has started with teeny tiny giggles, lots of talking and cooing, endless smiles for his mama and lots of strangers too, great feeding habits and sleeping through the night.  What happens from here I don't know and to every person asking about adoption, I just don't think that way.  But for now it's beautifully perfect.

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