Thus says one of this season's most recently rejected bachelors, on "The Bachelorette". This bachelor, I have no idea his name, that's how short he lasted wasn't quite my cup of tea either. What with his Christian values proclaimed every other minute like a flag being whipped around in the wind as well as virgin status paired also with the fact that every square inch of his body is hairless due to extreme waxing practices and lastly his profession, Pro Football Player sans brain power, I am shocked.
Although The Bachelorette is early in her season it is far less entertaining to watch, because apparently guys just don't do as dumb of things to impress a girl well at least on national tv, minus the Canadian who jumped in a pool in his suit minus jacket in fridgid cold weather only to get out and strip down and let the viewers realize he was wearing a black speedo with the bachelorette's name, DeAnna, on it underneath leaving him speedo and suit jacket clad the rest of the evening. Why not just get down to his speedo to begin with baffles the brain, but so do the bachelor candidates who in my best estimation have nothing to offer me, this girl, or any girl in America for that matter perhaps explaining their bachelor status.
But still I can't resist the human foibles that make life so entertaining. So maybe you can't fit a square peg in a round hole, but you can set my DVR for the Bachelor or Bachelorette any time you want.
On a totally different note: Things that make Travis go bizark (as witnessed last night for the first time) the boys mad at each other and fighting, hitting in the face and all. Apparently he had never witnessed this.
And lastly Wyatt's quote of the day "You have no idea what you are eatting." Cue background situation. This morning I am making an omelette for breakfast, my favorite morning food. He says it looks gross, I tell him you have no idea what you are missing to which he informs me of the above "You have no idea what you are eatting." Starting the day on a funny note - priceless.
Love Bugs
11 months ago
I'm with Wyatt. To be an outsider witnessing your culinary concoctions... eewww. Onions and peppers don't go in everything.
I watched a little of the Bachlorette and felt the same. Although I have never been into them as much as you are. The little that I watched I liked Jason the one from WA. Mostly because he is from WA!! Duh, but also he is kinda cute.
~As for omelette's, I think they are delicious. Kids do tend to like or dislike things based on the look of it. Wyatt is a hilarious kid :) I put another new post on my blog, check it out~
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