We are the proud owners of a McMansion. Well not really, but it is the biggest and nicest home we have owned. We are also the owners of that loan too, and a now diminished savings account.
On a different note...when it rains it storms. My kids were crazy yesterday. Wyatt ate all his dinner against having a desire to, so he could get dessert, just so that he could cough and cough until he threw it all up. Not that first time, but still not fun. The baby had his biggest melt down to date with just pure exhaustion being the cause and perhaps a little teething. Issac was in good spirits. Can't complain. He was laughing and playing but at a decibel level that is rarely exceeded by even breaking the sound barrier. He is a loud one. Bella was pretty good, but I still felt overwhelmed. And of course....dun dun dun da Travis was gone so I was dealing with this all on my own.
On a slightly more interesting note, Issac took a beating to the face with a stick from his brother Wyatt yesterday and survived pretty well. Of course there was the crying and such, but no long term grudge or complaining. Wyatt claims it was an accident. I don't believe it, I think he was just curious what would happen. Still figuring out cause and effect I suppose. Doesn't stop me from wanting to beat him though. So it was probably a good thing that Peter and Ashley were watching him when this incident occurred.
Love Bugs
11 months ago
I love days like this. They are the days that make you question your judgement of having kids. Then they manage to do something that makes it so totally worth it. Hang in there.oh, and congrats on the home. Now you can dwell on how you are going to decorate it.
Congrats on your new house! Please post more pictures! I'd love a mini out of state tour!! That is really exciting.
Did you guys get your provo house sold or are you renting it out? How is that going?
miss you!
Yea for the new house! I can't wait to see it. Isaac sure seems Graver through and through, looks and all. Funny kids.
Good to know you have those days too! Congratulations on the loan and depleted savings!!! :) I want to see more pictures as well!
So, uh, where's the house pics?
i'm with everyone else..pics, pics, pics, pics!!!
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