Yesterday we had a whole lot of nothing going on. Well not quite, but just stuff around the house to do. Mainly finish this unpacking business. It's embarrasing, but true. So the kids had their first true day of unlimited down time. And they played really well in the basement, in their rooms, and in the back yard. Because of this Travis and I actually got quite a bit done.
As we sat down for dinner we were rewarded with one of life's most pleasant moments. Bella turns to Wyatt and says, Buddies? and he looks at her and says Buddies, he says to her Pals? and she replies Pals, and she says Partners? and he says Partners. It was as if they had rehearsed this moment it was too cute and perfect, but somehow I doubt it because as they did it, it was filled with awkward secret type handshakes that neither knew what the other was doing.
Travis and I just looked at one another and smiled. It's moments like this I love.
Love Bugs
11 months ago
Very cute!!! I hope that it lasts forever! Sure they'll have their moments, but if this is what's at the bottom of it all, it's going to be sweet! I, like you and your previous post, love my siblings fiercly. We are great friends and it has been a blessing my whole life!
Too cute indeed. What great kids you have.
All I hear is... Secret Combinations???
That is so precious! I love those moments at the table when the kids do something funny, cute, etc and the parents look at each other and try not to crack up. I love dinner time (minus the spilled milk, mess, and trying to convince the kids to eat. . )
How cute! It just shows how well you are doing raising those gorgeous kids!
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