Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just Because I Am Late...

.... posting about it doesn't mean I don't consider it one of the best holidays ever. What is this holiday - more than 75% of the nation doesn't even celebrate it - how sad for you? The holiday is Fastnacht Day. Doughnuts on crack as I have told many people when asked about it. And I'm not going to lie, I've been eating them for days since Tuesday anyway. And I have a couple more still in dough form in the refridgerator to be used later this week. Yum. And what have I given up for Lent you ask? No I am not Catholic, Mormon actually, but I will use any holiday neccessary to motivate me to give up bad habits and dietary vices.
1) No chick lit
2) No eating after 7pm
Yes I know that #2 is one of my New Year's Resolutions, but I am struggling - so I have taken it to DEFCOM 2 level of action second only to DEFCOM 1 being preperation for all out nuclear warfare.
Wish me luck.


Panda said...

yum...homemade!! maybe after a few more years here, i'll feel able to full embrace this holiday like that. looks delish.
ps. what is "chick lit?"

Carrie said...

Thanks Mary! I had fun too. In fact I didn't get home until 8, which freaked Andrew out, but the home teachers didn't show up so it was all good.

By the way, any amount of gastric distress is worth your bread. Seriously, BEST BREAD EVER.

Beckie said...

So yummy! I am jealous. I had wanted to make some doughnuts, but never got around to it. Maybe next year.

Ashley said...

hey, could I get that recipe?

jaime said...

Oooo... those look delicious!

And chick lit? Are you giving up gum?... or am I way off?

lacey said...

The title of this post could mean two things. Are you really late in the female sense? If you were and wanted to sneak it in publicly somehow-that title would've done it seamlessly.