After a grueling 14 hour day doing school activities for PTO and Bella's elementary school on Friday it just so happened that the following morning I would get to do our annual neighborhood yard sale. Every year we do it, we advertise, and always get a big turnout. Last year Travis and I were going out of town and prior to that I had never had a yard sale. I was a virgin at this, but very excited and hopeful to make a little cash off our old stuff. Mainly I had baby things, but we also had a window unit air conditioner, a small tv, snowglobes, some adult clothing, books, etc...
It was to start at 7 am and go till whenever. This seemed ridiculously early to me but in the spirit of new adventures I spent the night before after my long day preparing till almost one in the morning. Then I beat my alarm clock awake, unheard of for me, and was once again moving before six am finishing up. When what should happen but cars storming our usually quiet neighborhood a little after six. By six thirty I had opened my garage door not wanting to miss out on the action, but still not totally ready. Cars came, buggies came, people came on foot.
These people are insane. It is a whole culture I do not understand. They are all up at five chipper as can be. Some had visited yard sales prior to ours. They truly were those people who believed in the saying "the early bird gets the worm" and not wanting to miss a single quality bargain item they came early. It doesn't come without it's setbacks I suppose since most of these people were a bit socially awkward and weird. But alas I made a small chunk of change. Yeah, fun money.
Love Bugs
11 months ago
Oh man, yard salers always get there before you're open for business. It's so crazy that way. They are truely all about a good deal.
i just had our first yard sale to and was amazed at the nice chunk of "fun money" we made. I love that equation
my clutter/junk is not only traded for money but taken away! kind of addicting. . .
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