Sunday, May 31, 2009
An Exciting Day at Church
Maybe five minutes later I hear a commotion down at the end of the row and I look to see Travis catching vomit in his hands from Wyatt. But a man can only catch so much with his two hands. Wyatt proceeded to vomit over Issac's shoes, a litte on his pants. This was too much for Issac and after a bit of coughing/gagging he responded in turn by throwing up ever so little. Wyatt is still going strong as a man rushed forward with a trash can. But too late for my purse and church bag including a book leant to me by a friend just today. I circle around the back of the chapel to cart off two vomit covered boys. In the bathroom we wipe them down as best we can. The spare pants from the car are gone and although Wyatt is going home with Travis, Issac assures us he is fine but without new pants we improvise by cleaning them the best we can and turning them inside out to go to class. When I return to the chapel sacrament meeting has ended so I clean up without too much trouble and actually with a lot of help from David.
Near the end of Primary/Church Issac comes to me saying my belly hurts. I run him out to the bathroom this time on red alert. But it was a false alarm. I walk him back to primary with a trash can in hand - just in case. Church ends and as we are walking towards the exit Issac once agains says my belly hurts and proceeds to throw up as rigorously as Wyatt had done except this time all went in the trash can because I was prepared. I took him out to the car once he said he was fine but returned to the church to grab a plastic bag for the trip home - just in case. I come out to see Uncle David stooped over a vomiting Issac. Apparently he said he was sick again and Bella came running in the church for help and he was the first one she saw.
Once again David was a great help. With even more paper towels and plastic bags for the car ride home we left. David had run at least three bags of vomit to the outside dumpster through the course of the day and as I was leaving had one more he was going to walk over. Of course we didn't make it home without incident. But we headed straight for the bath, pjs, and a night in front of the tv. But not before Issac complained of being thirsty, took a drink, and then decided to throw up straight on me, down my shirt, and seeping between my bosoms. At this point I just layed on the kitchen floor and laughed, a well of relief springing from all the day's tension finally relieved.
A day with me is always filled with busyness and excitement and today was no exception. As for embarrasment well having two children vomiting in the middle of sacrament meeting while people rush forward with wet wipes, trash cans, and others with cleaning materials distracting most of the congregation to watch our family instead of the speaker ranks just under taking off all my clothes and streaking through the chapel. But I'll survive I suppose. Sometimes things in life can be put in perspective so easily when you see the trials of another and so temporarily sick children although not fun add to just another entry in the blogging journal.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
According to Travis
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Musings and Mutterings
Do two breakfast shifts
Clean up the kitchen
Get four kids dressed
Put one on the bus
Write in my journal
Read 20 real emails
Answer 10 of them
Mull over the answers to five
Read a 37 page lending document every word
Have three little boys do their chores
Do four loads of laundry
Fold two loads
Cancel my cable
Eat one breakfast on the go
Drop off library books
Pick up a barfing Bella from school
Vacuum about 1900 sq. ft of carpeting
Feed Bella a light snack
Put her in bed with a bowl just in case
Get lunch for three boys made
Sweep an additional 400 sq. ft of floors
Clean up the lunch mess
Wash three boys hands and faces
Write a blog entry all before 1 pm
And Still Feel Like
I have accomplished nothing today.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Feel The Love
Monday, May 25, 2009
In a couple weeks I head out to Pittsburgh to continue the fun and in August we're taking our kids to the beach for a week. I can't wait. She is the most fun to be with. And it probably helps that she is the female version of Travis, sort of quiet but secretly hilarious, grounded and kind, and next to perfect.
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Friday, May 22, 2009
Summer Love
Because the start of summer is swimsuits, water, and squirt gun fights.
Lunches filled with nothing but fresh fruits and vegetables bought from local markets. Lunch today was carrots, strawberries, kiwi, and apples. I can't get enough of the colors and taste.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Blessings In Disguise
Fact: Once airbags are deployed you can gaurentee a minimum of $2000 in repairs.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Belated Birthday + Dance = Fun Times
For Bella's birthday we had over cousins for a little party and to spend the night. And although it was super fun Bella was still a little sad to miss out on picking somewhere special to go and going out to eat.
Last night BYU Ballroom Dance Company was in town and so for her birthday our family went there to see that. It was perfectly fitting as she is starting a love affair with dancing. Her only downside was there was no ballet. I'll have to find some ballet tickets for just us girls sometime in the near future.
The upside was she loved it as well as the boys. Wyatt bounced in his seat on occasion during the numbers he really liked. Issac and Kody both held out really well too. Kody lost interest a little after an hour, but was content to sit in the aisle and Issac lost interest after an a hour and a half decided to join Kody in the aisle.
Bella's favorite were the last two numbers one where at the boys snap/clap the girls dresses changed and the other a very fierce black and red flamenco style dance. Overall we all had a blast. On the way home we hit up McDonalds for a tasty treat of cones or sundaes. Mmm Perfection.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Next American Idol
Last night for family home evening we went to a park to play, have a lesson on being baptized by the park duck pool, and the kids had prepared a "special presentation". They had worked on it throughout the day. First Bella sings, then Wyatt sings with help occasionaly from Bella. Then they have a duet, and last Bella has a duet with Issac.
Blast me who always forgets you cannot rotate video footage. And as you can see there are no future American Idols in our family. But they still are the cutest little kids I have ever seen.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Lest You Think My Life Is Only Poop
Friday, May 15, 2009
Top This
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I'm Losing My Mind
As he neared me, I reached out, plucked him away, and laid him down in one quick fluid motion ripped off his pants. I knew I had to make this quick or he would start crying. I see undies, rip them off, thinking oh no he has pooped himself. It is at this point I realize in mere seconds I have by accident plucked Issac, laid him down, and disrobbed him to nakedness in one quick fluid motion.
After redressing him and apologizing, he gives me a hug and kiss and just smiles. I think he senses there is a fragile balance of sanity in play in my head or he just appreciated the few seconds nakedness. Either way after that I once again practice the quick fluid motion thing except this time with the right child. In the end it wasn't near as quick or fluid.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
All Caught Up
Monday, May 11, 2009
How Is Your Day?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Yard Salers
It was to start at 7 am and go till whenever. This seemed ridiculously early to me but in the spirit of new adventures I spent the night before after my long day preparing till almost one in the morning. Then I beat my alarm clock awake,
These people are insane. It is a whole culture I do not understand. They are all up at five chipper as can be. Some had visited yard sales prior to ours.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hair Facts
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Kody Kan
Kody can learn to do what he sees his daddy do.
Kody can mimic what his daddy does.
Kody can still be in the room when I am naked.
And Kody can surprise me with a solid slap on the butt.
Kody can laugh maniacally as he realizes that Mom is not so fond of him slapping her butt.
Kody is full of all kinds of cans.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Passing On The Worst
But I am learning that sometimes you can't always fix things right away. And sometimes the things you hate most about yourself are the things you have passed onto your kids. And the pain is incredible. So soul splitting incredibly hard.
Last week I had gotten all the kids in bed. Travis was waiting downstairs to start our DVR'd tv time. I was taking out my contacts, getting into comfy pj's, and getting ready for bed when I hear the not so quiet sobbing of one of my kids. The shear intensity of it let me know right away it was Bella.
I went to her room a little annoyed thinking this was something about going to bed. I knew she needed her sleep because the next day she had a field trip and it would be a long day filled with tons of walking. When I inquired about her tears I realized the depth of anxiety she was suffereing in the silent dark of her room. Because she was imagining everything new and unfamiliar about her fieldtrip tomorrow she was stressed and worried and filled with fear. Her biggest fear was of the potential for an escalator to be somewhere at the factory they toured. She is afraid of escalators and still needs to hold Travis or my hand to go on them.
My gut was filled with anger and sadness. Anger that I had passed on this genetic disposition. This disposition which had also been passed down to me from my parents. I hated that I had given her a life of anxiety and a fear of the unknown and a desire to control everything. I have been working my whole life to manage it, then get over it, and now I see my daughter having to suffer this same battle.
As I talked to her I tried to pass on the wisdom I had learned about managing this paralyzing anxiety. Talking about what freaks you out tends to help. And usually there is a solution to fix all these imagined hazards. So I talked to her about what her field trip might entail the things they would see, the potential there was for there to be an escalator in Herr's Snack Factory -very low probability -, but what she could do if there was one. In the end I ended up making a call to the parent who would be supervising her group to give her a heads up. And that was enough to calm Bella down.
As I walked down the stairs knowing I had soothed Bella and she now laid on the verge of dreamworld I was crumbled with devastation. Everyday I see all the good things my kids have gotten from Travis and me. I see that they have Travis's amazingly long eye lashes. They have my desire to laugh about almost anything. They share both Travis and my strong faith in a loving God. But I guess it was inevitable that they may inherit the not so good qualities about us too.
And it just seemed so unfair. As a mother I try and protect these kids from everything bad and horrible about this life. I try to shield them from the things I think may not be good for them. But this I introduced into their life. This is because of me. I hadn't protected her at all from this. And the pain just sucks.