Thursday, April 9, 2009

Blue Period

Just like Pablo Picasso in 1901-1904 had a Blue Period where blue dominates his paintings so has Issac had a blue period in which everything is a source of angst to him and reduces him to a blubbering mess of tears.
Since three weeks old, that I can remember, he has cried easily and often. Many times over no particular thing or at least that is how it seemed to me. But he has always been so sure of what he wants and often not getting it he crumbles under his intensity of emotion and hurt feelings. But just like any period this one too is coming to an end. In the history books it will probably be recorded from 2005-2009 but truly it has significantly decreased so far this year. As his verbal skills have exponentially expanded we have been able to take preventative measures against it. And I think that by the end of this year it will have ceased altogether.Sure there will be the typical child crying shot but maybe not quite so often and with the intensity to which he has so far. And so in the spirit of remembering a legacy I give you what will hopefully be the close to Issac's Blue Period in time. Issac crying at the Easter Egg Hunt.


whitney allison said...

All of those pictures as a montage are pretty hilarious. He is such a funny boy. Shawn still talks about how funny he thinks Isaac is.

Staigerfamily said...

I love the pictures. . .they totally made me laugh.

Sommer said...

I love little kids cry faces, they are adorable!!! I'm glad for your sake though that he is growing out of it =)

Beckie said...

Love all the new posts. Wish you lived closer to make me dinner and I am glad that Issac's blue period is passing, hopefully for a sunny yellow period.

John and Jennie Hair said...

I remember how set Issac was on getting his way when he was so little. He is such a cute boy. I bet it's nice to see some improvement, but you'll always cherish those pictures!