Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Do Not Touch X 3

Kody is getting to the age where curiosity rules and so I am in a constant battle with him. A battle implies adversaries facing one another and for the first time in his life perhaps we are that. Not so vicious with all the ill intent but more that we are both set on having it our way. I am bombarded nonstop as I walk through my house with images of places he has been as evidenced by his "calling card" of mess and chaos.

I'll walk by a bathroom to see a total roll of toilet paper undone. Past a cupboard to see all the pots and pans removed. Through my kitchen to see the pantry unshelved. To the dishwasher to get clean dishes to find that the cycle has been cancelled by some small child's unknowing fingers. I wonder who it could be. Not really I have a pretty good idea and I am always saying to him "Kody, do not touch."

Well today I turn around from cleaning the kitchen and the morning dishes to find this stealthy little creature unearthing the pantry once more. We have reached some sort of compromise as now he does it quietly and somewhat tidily (is this a word?) where he used to just sweep things off the shelves he now sets them neatly on the floor. He's feeling quite pleased with himself. And this being perhaps the eighth mess of the day and having said "Kody, do not touch" more times than I care to this time I say, "Kody, do not touch, do not touch, do not touch." Each time my voice rising in emphasis to get just a bit more of the crazed psychotic sound that may scare him off. Instead he turns to me laughing and says "do not touch" in a baby babble of repitition of sounds more than actual words.

I am floored that he has learned this phrase, thinks it is funny, and has used it back at me to mock my tone. Touche little one. You have won the battle, but I will win the war. We meet another day to do battle once more. I love you little man.


Marissa said...

Grace not much older than Kody figured out the child safety locks that we put on the cupboards. And since then she's figured out child safety devices put on door knobs, child proof medicine caps and so you can imagine the frustration that comes from that. There is some pride I feel for my child being able to figure out things that baffle some adults but she's just too smart for her own good.

Sommer said...

LOL I love your posts mary, they are so sweet and fun to read, keep them coming!

Jenny said...

He's so cute... of course, this may be because I don't have to pick up after him.
I enjoy the way you tell a story.

Beckie said...

I totally understand. Maggie, I am thinking just loves to hear the word no. Maybe Kody likes the way you say, "Do not touch."

candice said...

Sounds so familiar right now! I feel at times I can't get ANYTHING done because I choose to watch over/distract Cooper or let the house be turned upside-down, inside-out while I finish my task and clean up the mess later! AARRGGHH!!! At least he's not telling me "don't touch"...yet! Great posts... sorry I've been a slacker!