After some lovey time with Kody we get the whole way up, get the boys dressed, and downstairs for breakfast and it seems like the winds have changed. Not so much outside, but inside my house. Breakfast is filled with tears as Kody doesn't want to sit in his high chair. Issac doesn't want to wear underwear this morning despite having worn them for the past two weeks everyday. We start eatting and Wyatt says his throat hurts. The baby is still crying in jags more so than not. He is sick with a runny nose and cough, one that would rival the worlds longest smoker but juicy sounding as the stuff rattles in his lungs. By the end of breakfast Wyatt is mellow and I know he is feeling it because he is just cuddled on the couch content to watch tv. Issac is needing extra love and Kody cries each time I give it to him. Sibling jealousy seems to exist from infancy a fact which preplexes and interests me greatly. So from this point on one is always crying whichever one is not receiving my affection.
I dope up Wyatt, I dope up Kody knowing full well that they are sick and the thought crosses my mind, do I dope up Issac because something is up. He is crying and there seems to be no problem, all he wants is to be held, very strange. I see no real sick symptons and he has yet to point out something specific, but a pre-emptive measure of sorts to save my sanity seems like an alluring option. So I pose the question to all: what say you on pre emptive medicating?
I say yea. Here's the thing, you're his mother, you have 2 other sick children and he is not acting like himself. You would be the one to notice more than anyone and not everyone reacts the same way to not feeling well. Plus you should listen to me because I don't have any kids and I really know a lot of stuff.
Yeah, i say i could never answer this question without a lot of scrutiny, ha! So you are the mom, you know best. Courtney asked me if i could read minds like a super hero, i said, well no not really, she said, seriously, just tell me the truth, can you? I said, just my kids minds can't read your dad's at all!!!
For me, if one's sick, it's not long before the other one's sick. But I usually only do it at night for the one who isn't sick in case it hits in the middle of the night. We wouldn't want to be up all night now would we?
MEDICATE!!! Do not pause to think about this, medicate! :) I feel your pain, the last two days I have been up to my elbows in puke and poop....and they aren't babies, which makes it worse I think. Gross.
Would you rather wait until symptoms are truly manifested and you have to wait the half an hour until it is through the system? I feel you. Hope it gets better soon!
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