The 100 things I am most grateful for (in no particular order and subject to change daily):
1.Travis – my best friend and biggest help
6.Friends: the people I choose to share my craziness with
7.Being a two car family
8.Nana who through her generous gift made back to school shopping fun instead of a cost analysis
11.My King Size Bed
12.Autumn Time – with its burning leaves, many colors, and perfect weather
13.Beautiful Shoes
14.School: the place that gives me a break from my kids and teaches them the basics of what they know
15.JC Penny Portrait Studios
16.The beach
17.Central Air/Heat
18.Fresh Fruit
20.A good thunder/lightning storm
21.Down Comforters
22.Unexpected flowers delivered to my house
24.Digital Camera
25.Service – the opportunity to forget about myself for a small time
26.Modern medicine
27.The smell of my new house
28.Public Libraries
29.The wind
32.Irish Crème Brownies
33.Jigsaw Puzzles
35.Birthdays, Anniversaries, Holidays, Presents
36.Potty trained children and disposable diapers for my kids who aren’t potty trained
37.The Savior
38.Watches, clocks, and people who are on time
39.Dumb people (it’s always nice to feel smart) plus they’re good for a laugh
40.Reality TV
41.Extended Weekends
42.Sleeping In
43.Take Out Food
44.The United States of America
45.A new and closer bus stop
46.Apple Pie
47.No Streetlights in my neighborhood
48.Vacuum Cleaners
51.Flip Flops
52.Perfect blue skies and fresh cut grass
53.Girls’ Night
54.Pens – I hate writing with pencils
55.Pictures of my husband and me
56.Historic Parks and National Monuments
57.Guns – a hobby for my husband and protection for my family
58.Olympic Games – Competition at its best and worst, but always making me want to be in them
59.All things electronic/technology
60.A Loving Heavenly Father
61.My Flexibility – always a good party trick
62.Online Bill Pay
64.Starry Nights
65.Boardwalk Fries
67.Baby books
68.Athlete’s Foot Cream
69.Early morning scripture study
70.Swimming Pools and good diving boards
72.The color purple
73.People who push me to be better
74.Text Messaging/Cell Phones
75.A college education
76.Hidden Talents
78.Dreaming Big
80.Paid Vacation
81.Eye rolling (sometimes it is the best way to express yourself)
82.Travis's inventions
83.Paper Towels
84.Inside Jokes
85.Wal-Mart photo lab
86.Online Shopping
87.Four beautiful seasons that come at the perfect time
88.My very own piano
89.Well behaved children
90.A good workout
91.A nice tan
92.Learning something new
93.Music because it always sets a mood and because it is linked to so many memories
94.Home Videos
95.Tissues, toilet paper, and the likes
96.Adjustable height chairs – they’re fun to play on (I’m still a kid at heart)
97.Scratch N’ Sniff stickers
98.Food storage
99.Duct Tape
Love Bugs
1 year ago
I think my favorite is Athletes' foot cream, classic. Love the background too, you know how I love glitter.
I love your gratitude list. What a great reminder of how much I enjoy the little things of life.
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