Yesterday we were invited to a friend's house for dinner after church. We got there and ate, it was fantastic. Our kids went down to the basement to play with their daughter, one of the girls who babysits for us. Shortly thereafter I heard a dire screaming. It was Issac. Travis went running down to see what was going on. I knew right away it was an injury from the screaming. Travis came up sort of holding his mouth and I thought he had bit his tongue or bonked his lip and it was bleeding.
But no, that was only to mute the crying, because instead he showed me a bleeding foot through the sock. Luckily for us, our friend is an emergency room nurse. We took off the sock, and his big toenail was ripped almost completely off, not quite. We rinsed it, neosporined it, and bandaged it up with a camo bandage. He refused to take Motrin despite shaking from the pain even when being held and not crying. Opting instead to "go to bed" in his car seat. Which of course made me nervous, our friend nervous, you know CPS and all. So after a few minutes we ended our stay and went home.
In the car his toe continued to bleed through the bandage. Getting home we added a second. Still more blood. Then a cotton ball and paper towel. By night time we redid most of it because of the blood. Leaving the base bandaids intact for clotting sake and Issac's mental stability. Man, who knew those suckers bled so much. As for today I have a cripple two almost three year old who refuses to walk, opting intead for calling his mom to carry him from bed to the breakfast table, from there to the couch, etc...Pictures allude us because it makes Issac finicky to get close to his boo boo. But in a day or two I'll be excited to post them and what hopefully is a toe sans toenail. Because despite being wrapped in quite a bit of bandaging last night, he cried out tons in the middle of the night each time he moved it.
Love Bugs
1 year ago