1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Love Bugs
11 months ago
I remember playing 42 with you at Allen and Rita's. We were just visiting about MFHD when Grandpa got after us for visiting too much instead of playing the game. That game is serious business for him. Or at least it was when he could remember whose turn it was.
Two words. Nay... one compound word. Hookybobbing.
"Mary, look out!!" But it was too late. You had already skid into a curb.
THe first time that I meet you was probably the best memory ever. We were down on the front lawn playing a game and you were up top to shy to come down to play. I know Mary shy???? No way, but she was a little nervous to come and join in. I'm glad she did becasue she is probably one of my greatest friends that I have ever had. Love ya girl!!!
Where do I begin? How about dancing in the way back of the mini-van while unlicensed James was driving. Man oh man are we lucky to be alive.
um...can i even write this on your blog? I remember going to the bathroom in a circle with everyone on our fourth year hike! HA!
I so loved to go to dinner with you and all the girls for the ward we would laugh so hard we would cry, or some would pee their pants. HA!
How about RS in Macon --need I say more?!?
Mary, I remember so many things. You always made me laugh and still do. but I have to say I especially remember all your late night confessions as a girl in love with a new boy every week and then coming home from my mission and hearing you talk about Travis-and this time I knew it was for absolute real.
I remember sleeping over at your house a lot and it was always a party! Usually whitney and your sister and Brett was there with Peter. We played games and talked about boys
I remember being at your house one night and we are laying on Elizabeth's bed and you were telling us about a book you were reading and you starting reading the ending, but you added your own sexy finish!!! woo hoo
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