Saturday night Travis and I got the kids in bed and decided to find a movie on to watch. There wasn't much on and I knew he would fall asleep within minutes anyway and so we decided to watch Bring It On Again. For those of you who aren't familiar that would be the sequel to Bring It On, a cheerleading movie. As I suspected he did fall asleep right away.
But for me I was totally enthralled. I mean never has there been so much depth and content in a movie. And the actting was amazing, I'm really quite surprised that no one got any type of movie award (Golden Globe, Oscar, Academy Award, etc...). Not only that, but it was so realistic. Truly I felt like I could relate to this story and the characters. Who wouldn't fall in love with a scraggly DJ after meeting him once. And to be honest I was surprised to find that the original actors didn't sign on for this second go at the movie. Truly Kirsten Dunst and crew's careers would have benefitted from this writing. Lastly I can't believe that they didn't have the lead take off her clothes and parade around mostly naked more than she did. Because who really wears clothes anyway. They are just a hassle. And quite frankly it's a fact of life that sometimes when you take off too tight of a shirt, your bra will slip up too and unleash a flap of boob trapped perilously inbetween. So it only stands to reason that we should show that on the movie too.
About ten minutes into it I never thought I should go to bed and get some sleep instead of watching this. No. I never thought I would regret the decision to keep watching trading brain cells for entertainment. No. And boy was I right to not think those thoughts. And so I encourage each of you to find this movie, seek it out, and watch it. It will not be the worst movie you have ever seen in your life, ever, in it's entirity. No.
Love Bugs
11 months ago
I will not lie, sister. My roommates and I were watching it probably overlapping an hour at the same time as you.
Plus, I dig the snarky vibe. It suits this entry perfectly.
You make me laugh.
Maybe you should watch "Step Up" will LOVE it!!!!!
do you even know how many cheerleading movies mark and I watch!!! It takes me back to the good ol days, but he also falls asleep as well...
I love this movie as well I have watched it many times and each time i love it more. Mike will watch it with me. He love to watch movies about chreeleadres or gymnists, he love their bodies. He said it was one of the thing that made him fell in love with me is my gymnist body. (not that I have it any more but oh well.) In fact he told me it was on last night but we had to much going on to watch it.
Am I sensing a little sarcasm? This from the girl who loved Spice World?
I will admit, sadly, I liked the movie..... okay I don't know if liked is the correct word, but it was entertaining. I like Hayden Panitieree??? I have no idea how to spell her last name, but I like retarted movies like that. Step Up though, I think you will like... maybe not, I haven't figured you out yet on you "chick flick" likes and dislikes. Hence the "Spice World" Whitney commented on. But you like So You Think You Can Dance, so I'm gonna bet you'll like it~
Step Up, that is~
Okay so after Mindee's comment I was confused so I imdb'ed it to find that there are in fact three bring it on movies. Eeks. Anyway I saw number two sans Hayden. Maybe the third is better. As for Spice WOrld, People it's a classic. Okay so not a classic, but there is great music throughout so I can get through all the rest.
You crack me up! I just love the deeply concealed sarcasm. I think the movie would have been much better if I had the lead role. You can't beat this bod!
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