So Friday started with the dropoff of a backhoe at our house. Travis worked on a project over the weekend. More about that later, another post perhaps. Also we had a sleepover with one of our nieces. That night after all the kids were in bed asleep I found Travis watching tv in the living room eatting ice cream out of a bowl, but with the ice cream scoop as his spoon. I died laughing, but am not terribly surprised.
Saturday our day was focused around the project. Sunday was good and we attended Jason Moss's homecoming.
Monday got a little more interesting. Bella planned and gave family home evening, which isn't a first, but this time she was so good. So adult like and even answered Wyatt's questions all on her own. Issac came down from his nap ecstatic because he finally had "mastered" a paddle ball toy. Except instead of moving his arm to paddle it, he holds it totally stiff and bounces his entire body to get it going. Hilarious.
Wyatt at dinnertime let me know that "Dinner is so good, I could growl." At which point he did so sending us all off on another fit of laughter. But all this happened after I had one of my bigger moments of mother guilt earlier in the day with Wyatt. He had been being naughty and hitting the other kids. I sent him up to his room. I was on the phone with the insurance company and doing other random things. At a pause I went to check on the kids and found Wyatt missing. I realized he was still up in his room and I had forgot about him leaving him up there for 45 minutes instead of 4. When he came down, there were one or two tears in his eyes and he said "Mom, I thought you were going to leave me up there till I died." I felt terrible. I then explained to him what had happened and he forgave me so easily, which only added to my guilt. He is such a good boy.
Spoiler Alert: Then Monday night brought "The Bachelor". I was so excited, the previews and promos showed one of the girls' mothers hitting on the Bachelor and rubbing his nipple. Truly this would be one of televisions greatest moments. As promised it was. But in a compelling twist, it wasn't Amanda's real mother. She had hired actors to play her parents and be absolutely insane as a joke. It was quite funny, and enough to spare her from last night's elimination.
As an end to our evening I was getting Travis's cereal bowl and spoon and lunch ready for today. And since the Friday night ice cream scoop thing was so ridiculous I decided that with his cereal bowl he needed a ladle instead of a spoon. When he finally noticed, he was laughing pretty hard himself.
All this is dumb I know, but I just love my family and our little moments. And last but not least, this morning Wyatt was going potty after waking up and while getting dressed for the day. Issac was waiting diaperless at the bathroom door for his turn on the potty. Wyatt looked up at me and said, "My thing is bigger than Issac's thing. His is smaller than mine. My thing is bigger, but Dad's is bigger than both of ours, mine and Issac's." So riddle me this, why does a 4 yr. old boy recognize this and already place emphasis on this. Is this a genetic boy trait? you can imagine I tried my hardest to keep a straight face so as not to let on that he had hit a hot topic among adults. My kids kill me; they are so funny.
Love Bugs
11 months ago
I think Travis and John could be friends-John would totally eat his ice cream with the scoop and I haven't done the ladle but he always tells me he likes"big" spoons for soup so I always am giving him serving spoons.
Your kids are hilarious. And I wouldn't feel too bad about the 4 minutes vs 45. today I sent my 4 year old to his room but he wouldn't go at first so I tripled his time out to 12 minutes hoping he would fall asleep in there. But he didn't.
Once I left my nephew, Kaleb, Amy's son in time out for like an hour instead of 15 minutes. The worst part was he was only in the next room and he didn't say a word, just had a tear in his eye. I felt horrid.
This is so cute! You totally cracked me up. I love how our kids give us so much entertainment. Jonathan and I frequently are trying to stiffle the laughter when our kids do and say the funniest things in their most serious voices. It keeps us smiling. I love the bit about Travis and the ice-cream. Too funny!
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