First off today is Mom's birthday. Happy Birthday to her and to all of you who know her, call her, it'll make her week easily.
Next an experience I had last night bares repeating for all of you. So last night I am talking on the phone to Elizabeth post American Idol for our own personal critiquing and reviewing and I am sweeping the kitchen floor as we go through this. I feel something tickling my foot, I look down assuming it is dust or dirt and there is a centipede. For those of you who are unfamiliar, look to your right. Eeks. So I ensue in a Mexican jumping bean style of up and down hopping, trying to get it off me. While hopping I had forgotten the phone was wedged between my shoulder and head and thus let loose the grip sending the phone falling, but being who I am I stop momentarily to catch the phone so it doesn't drop. Recovered somewhat I have no shoes, but use the broom to start whacking it to try and kill it. Unsuccessful as you might well imagine, because brooms are sort of soft. It runs under the fridge and I tell Elizabeth I will have to call her back, because I need to go on a bug killing spree.
Travis comes down and says what is going on. I thought for sure there was a mouse or something. Please. A mouse would not illicit that type of response. I tell him what it was, that he needs to get my shoes for me for protection, and that then we need to pull out the refridgerator so I can find this sucker and kill it. As he is coming back into the kitchen with my shoes he starts hopping around like that same bean letting out a few yelps and squeals of his own. I am shouting step on it, since he is boot laden and all. He finally pulls it together enought to step on it and says, "what was that?" to which I reply "a centipede". He says, "They are quick little guys." I know. But I am feeling quite vindicated from my earlier performance in which he teased me, because he has now just done the same thing knowing ahead of time we were on a bug search.
Love Bugs
11 months ago
I hate bugs!! I would have done the same thing, except my husband probably would have thought I cut my finger off or something!
I can handle bugs but there are a few that just shouldn't have to be tolerated and centepedes are one of them. Remember how they love my parents basement??? Scaring I tell you.
Tell Travis to man up. Just kidding. Mike always likes to relay the story of my reaction when a scorpion was on Anna as a baby.
That is hilariuos!! I'm glad you killed the little sucker, 1 less for me to do :)
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