- Rude French waiter files complaint against employer in Canada after being fired citing "discrimination against my culture" his culture being rude???
- In Florida, a woman marries a 100 year old tree in hopes of saving it from being cut down
- Target is settling out of court against a suit accusing them of racial discrimination. The long and the short is that Target does a background check and rejects applicants for employment with a criminal history. Because black and Hispanic applicants have more criminal history they are being racially discriminated.
- GQ put the Bible on a list of books you don't have to read saying, "Repetitive, self-contradictory, sententious, foolish"
- The EPA is proposing a new rule that would prevent the EPA from using scientific studies where the underlying data is not available to the public. That's because in many of those studies, researchers had confidentiality agreements with their subjects. Meaning the underlying data is not available to the public. People are in an uproar. Seems logical to me.
- "Cry closet" - An actual place at the University of Utah's library for students to release their stress. What happens in the cry closet, stays in the cry closet. It was a provocative art exhibit that got people all in an uproar. Do I think colleges should have cry closets, probably not, but do I think if they do, people should get real angry on the internet. Probably not!
- Threatening to fine people who cheer at their kids graduation in South Carolina
- Live animals at prom, namely a tiger, sparked outrage. How this is any different than a zoo, I have no idea.
- "Woman discovers her dog that never barks or eats dog food is actually a fox" What???
- In an effort to more fully teach a culture of consent, we are supposed to ask a baby if it is okay before we change it's diaper.
Love Bugs
1 year ago
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