- record keeper.
- persuades men to come to Christ.
- revelations and visions given to prophets.
- Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ.
- Christ's life and ministry.
- of the 12 apostles.
- of the death of Jesus Christ.
- conveys the difference between the world and godliness.
- shows us how to get our own revelation.
- teaches us covenant making.
- testifies of blessings of obedience.
- teaches us to study and ask.
- how to be saved.
- word of god.
- teaches humility before the Lord.
- God abides by rules.
- we are blessed when obedient.
- shows us people whose prayers are answered.
- nothing is done but by the Lord's word.
- commandments of the Lord must be fulfilled.
- we will experience hardships even while being obedient.
- he nourish and strengthens us when we are obedient.
- I will prepare the way before you, if it so be that ye shall keep my commandments.
- God is a God of miracles.
- nothing is done except by God's word.
- we need to seek God to feel him.
- with God all things are possible.
- God Shows us miracles and signs, but often that doesn't affect non-believers for fvery long.
- the Lord will show us great things when we pray oft.
- the Lord can give us answers that we would not think of on our own and we have no knowledge of.
- He remembers all his children.
- reminder to the people the Lord.
- more fully remember.
- He is the first and last.
- He is redeemed and he redeems us.
- Christ knows each of us.
- He does not/will not forget us.
- by the spirit all things are made known.
- there will be a scattering of Israel and see and then a gathering.
- God will exercise wrath to unrighteous; wicked will burn.
- the righteous will be preserved; they have no need to fear.
- the Lord prepares a way for his people.
- prophets are a way.
- keep the commandments, no need to fear.
- Jesus Christ is our protector.
- the lord is aware of us.
- blessings are predicated upon obedience.
- salvation is free 2 Nephi 2ish Grace
- a way has been prepared for all men.
- redemption cometh through the Messiah.
- no one can be in the presence of God except through the merits of Christ.
- there is a God.
- all things testify of him.
- we are to act and be acted upon.
- all man must repent.
- all things are done in wisdom by God.
- He is invested in the welfare of our souls.
- follow after Him.
- Lord comforts Zion. joy and gladness there.
- the lord pleadeth the cause of the people.
- we will have a body in the next life. 2 Nephi 9
- after death we will appear at judgment seat.
- His law must be fulfilled.
- repent, be baptized, have perfect faith, stand before him. He wants to save you in judgement.
- there are laws, consequences and order eternally.
- knowledge is good, hearken to the Lord is better.
- He opens to all who knocked.
- Christ volunteered to be the Savior.
- the Lord asked for a volunteer.'
- help poor and needy.
- judge with righteousness.
- God is our salvation.
- He will comfort us.
- all who believe in his name will be saved.
- we are saved by his Grace.
- Christ is the holy one of Israel.
- when the Spirit ceaseth to strive with man then cometh speedy destruction.
- persuade all men to repentance.
- a book "The Book of Mormon" was preserved by the hand of God to come forth.
- God will establish his word.
- God is a God of miracles.
- there is not in the Lord.
- pride and false doctrine will corrupt us at the last day.
- those built on a rock receive more doctrine with gladness.
- those that receive wisdom will be given more.
- don't trust in flesh or men over God.
- He will be merciful to any and all who return in repentance.
- we need more words than the Bible.
- He judgment men according to works.
- someday we'll have record of the Lost Tribes.
- gospel of Jesus Christ will be declared.
- God will judge with righteousness.
- come into Christ, partake of his goodness.
- there is rest in Christ.
- sin is abominable to God.
- pride destroys the heart.
- seek kingdom of God before riches.
- God delights in chastity.
- there is a great plan to try and save all of us.
- every measure possible is taken tot help us.
- Christ is grieved to "lose" us.
- weeping over our lost souls.
- missionary work is to save and bring souls to Christ.
- we'll feel guilt and shame if we reject the words of Christ.
- flattery is what overthrows the doctrine of Christ; hearing what you want to hear.
- He shall manifest himself in the flesh.
- He's waiting with a prepared place for us.
- faith and humility allow you to commune with God.
- keep the Sabbath day holy.
- keep the commandments to prosper.
- preparation makes all the difference in our outcome.
- prick your hearts continually with the word of God.
- preserve genealogy
- He will spare the righteous
- come into Christ, partake of his salvation
- offer your whole souls to him
- fast and pray; endure to end
- the Lord knitted all things which are to come and worker through me.
- we are to become men of understanding
- become as little children
- yield to enriching of the spirit
- natural man is enemy to God
- perfection or sainthood through atonement
- three knowledge of the savior shall spread
- do what you believe
- we are all dependent upon God
- when we believe we want to do good
- freedom comes only through God
- desire to record those who make covenants
- man has great power within him
- the Lord can bless and strengthen us even in physical matters.
- God is a jealous God, he wants us with him.
- Heavenly Father wants to save us, chance after chance.
- record keeping is both for our sake and the future and as a witness.
- God is ultimately in control.
- commandments come from God.
- the creation is real, God performed.
- the law of Moses was only necessary until the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- that is a higher law now given.
- we are healed with His stripes.
- atonement is infinite and powerful.
- God sends multiple witnesses and proved his word.
- the Lord comforts his people.
- salvation comes only in and through Christ.
- our words [and actions] stand as a testimony.
- covenants need authority to work whether passed down by laying on of hands or directly from God.
- sabbath is to teach, assemble, and worship.
- unpaid clergy
- late of substation is the ultimate in charity, the pure love of Christ.
- temporal and spiritual law of consecration
- God's word is fulfilled.
- being in bondage is better than death.
- when we are humble, the Lord us an easing of burdens but doesn't always remove trial
- the Lord chastens and tries us but lifts up those in the last day who trust in him.
- record Keeping
- God visits us in our afflictions.
- forgive others or risk condemnation.
- the Lord will strengthen us
- we depart from him, we can no longer be his, unless we move again towards him.
- Jesus Christ will come
- repent and prepare the way of the Lord.
- He died you help us overcome death
- take upon indignities so he is filled with mercy and know how to comfort us.
- He takes upon sun to blot out transgression.
- blessings abound after faith, hope, and charity
- we will stand before food for judgement.
- the adversary lays snare to catch you.
- all shall rise to stand Ann's be judged before God.
- He hath power to save every man that believeth.
- life is a probationary state.
- now is the time to prepare to meet God
- second death is everlasting death is making evil choices in this probationary state.
- repentance and soft heart claim mercy.
- fasting and prayer bring the spirit and revelation.
- remember to execute all his commandments.
- His arm is extended to all.
- the Lord delivers us.
- be bold in declaring plan of salvation and gospel.
- the devil will not/cannot support his children at the last days.
- preaching word is more powerful to change than sword.
- when you don't follow commandments and statutes you fall into great errors.
- our afflictions can humble us to hear the word.
- chosen humility is better than compelled humility.
- blessing come when you are humble.
- God is merciful.
- remember...
- words of Christ are as easy to follow as Liahona; don't be slothful because of easiness.
- upon death, we meet our maker.
- all is restored to proper frame...good to good, etc...
- restore is to bring back.
Love Bugs
11 months ago
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