Coming home was frustrating since my car is at the dealership being fixed for the second time since I left for Florida.
My water is undrinkable. Both high in nitrates which is toxic for infants and just plain unhealthy for adults and filled with cryptosporidium which is a fiercely bad bacteria. Seriously having to boil all water that comes into your home is unthinkably archaic.
And I am sick from not sleeping more than five hours once while away and running around like a crazy person partying my nights away.
But my neighbors brought me a gift upon my return having missed me immensely while gone.
My husband told me how much he appreciates everything I do and told me if I ever need a break or personal time again let him know because he understands now.
And Kody came running into my bedroom at 5:30 this morning, said I missed you, and promptly cuddled up and feel asleep with me.
But best of all...Bella told me this morning while you were away everything fell to pieces and even though I had fun it wasn't as fun because you weren't there.
But on a more bittersweet note, we are in the middle of repainting the office so my computer is temporarily not in use. So a full update including pictures will be forthcoming later.
Love Bugs
11 months ago
Phone date tonight. Me. You. Name the time, babe.
Way to look on the positive side when you've had some downers! I hope everything turns out okay with the car!
Let me join in the love fest to say how much I still love you... even though you are far, far away. Life is always more fun and exciting with you around! I'm sorry I don't stop to let you know more often! I was talking to someone in our ward the other day and I mentioned you and one of your quirks. She said, 'You still talk to Mary?" It caught me off guard. Of course I do!!! A friend like that you don't let go of!!
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