Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Heavy Blanket

Some things about living in PA still surprise me. Yesterday I woke up almost suffocating under a heavy blanket. The weather is a decently cool probably low sixties, but that doesn't mean the humidity isn't out in full force.
I forgot the palpable feel of water saturating the air.
I forgot the feeling of it on your skin feeling like you are on the verge of sweating droplets although you are not warm at all.
It's crazy to think that the air can hold that much water, to think that the skin and nerve endings can so acutely pick up on the water in the air, and to think that the west and people who live there have no idea about the shear intensity of this phenomenon.


Laura Lynn said...

Although I loved visiting my cousins in TX while I was growing up, I dreaded the humidity that would be a part of my summer. I still long for the mild summers in the PNW but I love that my skin is soft!

Sommer said...

My thoughts exactly the past couple days. It's like breathing through a wet rag! It makes everything feel like 10 degrees warmer then it really is! Then in the winter it makes everything feel that much colder then it really is!

Sechrist Family said...

I loved that my hair was curlier and my skin softer. Now I am in a never ending battle with dry skin and cracked feet. Ugh!

Ashley said...

Isn't it great? Sure beats the "alligator skin" feeling from out west (although sticky clothes isn't much of an improvement)!