Health Math
1 lb = 3,500 calories
500 calories less eatten a day + 500 burned daily at the gym = 1000 calories a day
3500 calories/1000 calories = 3.5 days to lose a lb
21 days into the New Year = o lbs lost for Mary
What gives with this Math. For every trainer who told me it was all about calories in and calories out to loose weight I say come count my calories sucka' because I defy your logic/science.
To this extent I still love the gym and working out. I love the health benefits and feeling strong and being the toughest girl I know. Additionally it doesn't hurt that despite being red and dripping with sweat I seem to have a friendly teasing banter, that some may call flirting, that goes on with some of the guy regulars one being a trainer.
So amidst this teasing I said to the one trainer earlier yesterday who is teaching the kickboxing class, notorious for being tough, so is this class any good? Am I going to get a good workout? He looks at me incredulously and almost offended. Note: He is a totally lean beefcake. He responds that if I punch and kick hard like you are supposed to, it's a good workout. He then says, "When I am done with you, you'll be like a wet noodle." And winks. Excuse me I think I was just slammed with a double entendre. Then I wonder if my very active imagination is playing with me, I am after all a sometimes bored housewife who can create fantasy daydreams.
Regardless of all this, what I have most picked up on is the intended challenge, "If I punch and kick hard like I'm supposed to". Oh, game on sucka. Upon entering the class I pick a spot front and center so he doesn't miss one moment of me doing it the "right way" and out working him every minute of the class. At times throughout the sixty minute class I can see him watching, I know he is impressed as others are dropping around us to less intense modifications. Near the end of the class he shouts to the class one minute left, what do you want to make of this class. And we start a fast as you can jogging in place. A little screw you attitude left in me, puts my hands straight above my head in the air, for those who aren't gym rats - this increases your heart rate rapidly and expends a ton more energy and takes more effort. I run my heart out. He looks over at me with a laugh and a nod. It says to me Touche.
After the class he comes up to me and says "You might just be the toughest chic I know. " I agree and walk off feeling rather smug. But I still wouldn't mind losing some weight too.
Love Bugs
11 months ago
great story mary!
I have started weight watchers (really, can i afford it?? NO...oh well) BUT, it has been GREAT! Plus I go to the gym 3-5 times a week and in two weeks I am down 7.6 lbs...i do love weight should try it!
Oh, are too funny! You really should entertain the thought of writing a book!
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